
Foenix Partners


*Updated 16th January at 9:00am

FNX LME Rebar Price Data

BENCHMARK : Steel Rebar FOB Turkey (PLATTS)

Your one-stop destination for metal price information

Today’s settlement price (£/MT): 555.24

Hedging via the last day’s month end settlement price can be an effective hedge because all UK (physical) metal prices are ultimately determined by traded benchmarks.


Historical Settlement Price

Historical Settlement Graph

FNX LME Steel Scrap Price Data

BENCHMARK: Steel Scrap CFR Turkey (PLATTS)


Today’s settlement price (£/MT): 336.78


Hedging via the last day’s settlement price can be an effective hedge because all UK (physical) metal prices are ultimately determined by traded benchmarks.

Historical Settlement Price

Historical Settlement Graph

FNX LME Aluminium Price Data

Today’s settlement price (£/MT): 2072.97

Hedging via the last day’s settlement price can be an effective hedge because all UK (physical) metal prices are ultimately determined by traded benchmarks.

Historical Settlement Price

Historical Settlement Graph

FNX LME Steel HRC Price Data

BENCHMARK : LME Steel HRC NW Europe (Argus)

Today’s settlement price (£/MT): 608.31

Hedging via the last day’s settlement price can be an effective hedge because all UK (physical) metal prices are ultimately determined by traded benchmarks.

Historical Settlement Price

Historical Settlement Graph

Did you know you can enter a simple financial hedge to manage metal price fluctuations by fixing at forward rates?

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